20 January 2010

Workout Queen's Yummy Granola Bars

Ever needed to grab a snack and go? Or on your way to the gym and need a healthy snack to rev you up? Grab one of these granola bars! With the help of a friend, we snagged this recipe and made it work for us. They are chewy and yummy. Try them out.

  • baking tin
  • 2 cups oat
  • 3/4 cup wheat flour
  • 4 tsp butter
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2/3 cup flaxseed
  • 1 cup crushed nuts
  • 1 cup raisins (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In the baking tin, mix the flour, oats, nuts, and seeds. Then put them into the oven to toast.
  3. Meanwhile, grab a sauce pot, and mix the butter, honey, vanilla and cinnamon. Heat it on the stove till it has all dissolved.
  4. Once the oats are toasty, take them out of the oven and add the yummy heated mixture of sugar. Mix well. (Add raisins now, if you'd like.)
  5. It will turn into a goop that you can lay into a tray or pan. Flatten it out and let it cool.
  6. Cut them into bars, squares or just pick at them.
  7. ENJOY!
This can be eaten just as is, or accompanied by yogurt or soymilk as a cereal. It really is delicious and can be kept in aluminum foil for quite a while.


  1. These sound great! I have been searching for the homemade granola bar recipe for forever. And I've never thought to toast the grains & nuts beforehand.

  2. these look great marissa.

    i think B should put up his for a comparison.

  3. i'd like to know another recipe to see which i like better...



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