24 November 2008

Fun with Marzipan

With the holiday season upon us, a time for special food creations has arrived. One food that I associate with the holidays is marzipan, an almond and sugar paste. Random, maybe. I think of marzipan around the holidays because my dad - probably the hardest person to buy gifts for - always gets a bar of marzipan from someone in his family. I think it is hilarious.

For much of my life, I thought marzipan was just some weird German treat for which I never inherited a taste... similar to my grandmother's herring salad. At some point in high school, though, I learned that it can be used in a variety of ways for baking and decorating. Allow me to share with you some outrageous marzipan creations I have found:

Cute little pigs. How adorable. Also looks like it might not be too difficult.

A ball of yarn and a little scarf! How clever.

On to intermediate level marzipan creations: A pepper.


I like these monsters... this might be a project for the future.

Expert level marzipan crafting! This artist gets a gold star. Well done.

I hope I have inspired you to make some of your own marzipan creations!

1 comment:

  1. as cute as the designs are I'm still afraid of marizpan... but maybe a little less so



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