06 November 2008

apple & cinnamon infused vodka

We have found the best low budget xmas presents around! My lady friend and I are infusing our own vodka and giving it away for Christmas to our friends and family. We are in the experimental stage but our first attempt at apple and cinnamon was a big hit.

This is a simple recipe which took us 7 days.

Day 1-3:

  1. Take a glass jar (never plastic)
  2. Add 1 cup of vodka (I used Svedka b/c its cheap and triple distilled)
  3. Chop up one Macintosh apple and leave in the vodka for 3 days

Day 4-7:
  1. After 3 days take out the old apple and put in a new chopped apple
  2. Add to this one cinnamon stick.
Day 8:
Strain out the apples and cinnamon and you have your own apple cinnamon infused vokda! There are many different drinks you can mix up but this vodka was so smooth and sweet that we sipped it over ice.



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