30 January 2009

Bean Salad

One of my favorite dishes to make is bean salad. It works in all seasons, it is easy, and it is affordable. It is also a great dish to bring to a party since it can be served chilled or at room temperature, it is portable, and vegetarian!

To make this bean salad, use even portions of your favorite beans (I chose a can of chickpeas, black beans, and red beans). Sometimes I like to use more chickpeas than the other beans but that is up to personal taste.

Rinse them off and mix them in a bowl. Next, I add chopped olives and tomatoes. Neither is necessary but I love them both so I add olives and tomatoes to anything whenever possible.

Add herbs and spices to taste. Fresh are best but dried work just as well. I often use basil, rosemary, thyme, and oregano. Toss with a touch of salad dressing or olive oil and you are good to go! I love to make this at the beginning of the week and use it for lunches in the coming work week.

1 comment:

  1. so this looks beautiful, except that i only love tomatoes when they are very ripe. and these are a little too pastel for me to enjoy them properly.

    great photo either way though.



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