17 February 2009

Fresh Mozerella and Pesto Grilled Cheese with Zesty Sauteed Kale

Fresh Mozzarella and Pesto Grilled Cheese with Zesty Sauteed Kale


  • 1 cup Simple Basil Pesto
  • 2 slices Tuscon style bread
  • 1 ball mozzarella thickly sliced
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 bunch fresh thoroughly cleaned kale
  • 2 Tbs butter
  • 1/3 cup water
  1. Bring water and butter to a boil in medium sauce pan and reduce medium heat
  2. Cut kale into thumb sized strips
  3. Add kale to simmering water and add salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper and stir
  4. Heat griddle pan or flat frying pan and cover with olive oil on medium low heat
  5. Spread a decent amount of pesto on one side of the bread, layer mozzarella and cover with another pesto covered bread slice
  6. Place sandwiches on your pan and place a small plate flat side down on top of sandwiches and place a heavy object on it (pressing the sandwich on the pan)
  7. Check after a few minutes and flip once side is golden brown
  8. Stir kale when you flip and crank heat to high on the kale
  9. Once your other side is golden brown remove both kale and sandwiches from heat. Kale should have been cooked for at least 10 minutes
  10. Plate both and enjoy
I love LOVE LOVE sandwiches with pesto. I also love the flavor combo of the fresh mozzarella and pesto....yummy! So when I made the pesto I knew I had to have it with toasted bread and melted cheese. When I thought about making this I initally thought soup and sandwich. I quickly changed my mind when I saw the kale in the fridge. Kale is tasty, easy to cook and can be treated just like spinach. I definitely recommend everyone try this combo instead of going the soup route. I hope yall enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. So I only read the profile...and my mouth started to water...YOU better be making that in MEXICO!!!



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